lovelight holistic health clinic
Charges for healing sessions

A full, in-depth healing session usually takes between 3 and 5 hours and includes:
A full Designer Journey process tailored to your specific needs.
The use of ThetaHealing™ techniques for physical healing, belief changes, feeling downloads and anything else that may be required.
The use of other energy healing techniques appropriate for your particular issues.
Advice relating to other healing modalities as required.
Advice and techniques you can use to heal yourself and maintain your own health.

This initial session may be the only one you require to enable you to achieve excellent health, or you may require further sessions to completely clear the causes of your ill health. Once the main causes have been cleared, you may also find that there are other aspects of your life you would like to deal with.

My standard charge for a full session is $250 including GST. To ensure the best possible outcome for you, I only schedule one session per day.

Shorter consultations including Journey, ThetaHealing™ and energy healing processes and readings, past life experiences and other non-health related wishes are charged at $60 per hour including GST.

Please note that I do not have Eftpos or credit card facilities so please make payments by cash or cheque.

I am very aware that often those who most need this type of healing are also least able to afford it. Please do not allow lack of money to be the only barrier to receiving the healing you need. If you need this healing and cannot afford it, contact me and let's see what we can work out together.
Find me on the Journey Practitioner Directory
PO Box 296, Tauranga, New Zealand * Tel (07) 544 3087 * Mob (0274) 809 816 *
© 2006 - Lovelight Holistic Health