healing ways - a series of healing stories
Nature of Illness
In modern times with a dominant allopathic healing philosophy, illness
is seen as detrimental to health and a problem to be cured quickly, efficiently
and usually by expensive pharmaceuticals or surgical procedures. Holistically,
illness is something far more valuable. It is a message from your
inner being or from your soul which indicates an area of your life
which is out of alignment. If it is 'cured' by some form of chemical
or physical intervention, the core issues which have caused the illness
will remain and will cause more, possibly different illnesses.
Many common forms of illness result from negative emotions. It
has been said that there are only two basic emotions - love and fear.
All other emotions derive from these. For example, a loving husband
and father feels he must protect his wife and children because he has
a deep-seated love and fear for their safety. Therefore he carefully
plans what they must do so that he can feel they are safe and protected.
If they do not follow his plans, then he fears that he cannot keep them
safe, and this causes great concern and frustration, which may lead to
anger and violence. Thus we have the situation where a husband
and father seeks to control his family out of his love for them, and
may physically harm them if they reject this control. So the basis
of his anger and frustration is fear and love. Similarly joy and
happiness stem from love of life or others. While a person is expressing
these strong emotions, it is likely that they will not lodge in their
body and cause illness.
However, in the above example, if the husband and father attends an anger
management course, for example, and learns to keep his anger bottled
up inside, then he will 'stuff it down' and it can start to do him real
harm. Any emotion that is not fully expressed in a healthy manner can
cause illness. Louise Hay (Heal Your Life) and Annette Noontil (The
Body is the Barometer of the Soul) relate physical symptoms to emotional
and behavioural factors. Some of these are obvious, e.g. a sore throat
when you are afraid to speak your own truth; a sore back when you are
lacking support.
However, some illnesses are not so obvious and may not have behavioural
causes which are simple to explain. Some illnesses may be manifested
in your body to provide you with a 'wake-up call' that all is not well
with your life. As an example, I am finding in my practice that people
who have symptoms of CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or post viral fatigue
syndrome) or ME (myalgic encephalitis or myalgic encephalomyelitis) have
a huge fear of being born into this lifetime. Clearing out this fear
allows them to clear out the illness and live life fully once again.
Regardless of the cause of your illness, and it may in fact be
an injury from an 'accident' as well, you can choose to ignore it and
carry on with your life as you are living it, or hopefully you will
pay attention to it and take steps to clear out the causes of this illness,
allowing any emotions associated with it to leave, and accept the learning
that the illness has brought you. After that you are able to really
heal and are better able to follow your life's purpose. Therefore,
illnesses and injuries are gifts from the Universe which bring you learning,
allow you to clear out your repressed emotions which have caused the
illness, and may allow you to discover your purpose in this lifetime.
Only then can you really heal from the illness or injury.