lovelight holistic health clinic
Healing Ways - a series of healing stories

These stories are designed to be thought-provoking and instructional in a spiritual sense. Some may be factual, some entirely fictional. It is my hope that all are enjoyable and enable you to think about your own life and how you could improve it by applying what you learn from the story.

The Nature of Illness
Redefining and learning from illnesses and 'accidental' injuries

Past Memories - Present Effects
What you remember and what you 'forget' can affect your life in surprising ways

The Benefits of Delay
A delayed flight brings useful learning about life.

Learning - Global vs Specific
What you learn from life experiences can limit your achievements.

Communicate Now
Clear communication is essential for healthy relationships.

How Your Habits Affect Your Life
Habits - the good, the bad and the limiting.

Obtain what you really desire using the Universal Law of Attraction.

While copyright of these stories remains with Lovelight Holistic Health Clinic, you are most welcome to copy and print any of these stories provided that the story is printed in full, unedited, and the source of the story is included along with myself as author and a short statement of the fact that I am an Accredited Journey Practitioner.

Find me on the Journey Practitioner Directory
PO Box 296, Tauranga, New Zealand * Tel (07) 544 3087 * Mob (0274) 809 816 *
© 2006 - Lovelight Holistic Health