ThetaHealing overview
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discoveries Inherited dis-eases While we have been aware that certain traits and characteristics appeared to be inherited from our ancestors, we have been unaware of the mechanism which caused a particular characteristic to suddenly occur, seemingly from nowhere, and be transmitted to subsequent generations. From a health perspective, a possible result of many generations of apparently random gene mutations without any reversal mechanisms would be a very dis-ease-ridden human population. This may be the cause of the apparent increase in the incidence of genetically transmitted dis-eases such as asthma, cancer, arthritis and many others. A TV programme screened recently entitled "The Ghost in Your Genes". This programme investigated the source of these apparently random mutations which many of us appear to have inherited from our ancestors and may possibly pass on to our children. The researchers found that at certain key times in a person's development environmental factors could alter a gene, either switching it on or off, and that this alteration remained in the person's genetic code and was passed on to their offspring. An example of such a characteristic could be obesity. We are in what is called an obesity epidemic at present, blamed mainly on poor diet and lack of exercise. It is often very obvious when looking at a family that obese parents tend to raise obese children. This could be due to genetics or it could be due to them all living in the same environment. In many cases the family makes a huge effort to exercise and eat healthily, but to no avail, they appear to be unable to significantly reduce their weight. Using the methodology explained in the TV program, the researchers could examine this family's ancestry to find out when this obesity characteristic first appeared. The hypothesis which they would examine could be that at some stage one of their ancestors had suffered a famine, causing a gene to switch on which enabled the body to store fat more effectively and to utilise food more efficiently. At that time, this 'famine gene' would have assisted the survival of the species, but in our present time it actually decreases the health and longevity of those who carry it. That famine gene would have passed down the generations and, even though there was sufficient food supply available, it remained switched on and causes obesity. It does not reset because having sufficient food is not a suitable environmental stressor to cause genetic change. Researchers found that there were very specific times in a person's development when the initial environmental stressor could most easily cause a body to mutate a gene, and that this time varied between males and females. For females, the sensitive time was during the last trimester of the mother's pregnancy. Thus if the gene changed in your grandmother, the change would have occurred during the 7th to 9th months of her mother's pregnancy with her. For males, the sensitive time was during the pre-pubescent years, approximately 9-12 years of age. In each case the critical factor was that these are the stages when the egg cells are forming in the female foetus, and the sperm-producing cells are forming in the male child. This means that this genetic change is incorporated into those cells and can therefore be passed down to future generations. However, it is likely that there are other means of causing gene mutations which could occur at any time during a person's lifetime, especially if these factors involved toxic chamicals which could directly cause genetic damage. It is interesting to trace family histories backwards to where a particular trait first appeared. If this is done, it is likely that some environmental stressor will be apparent at that time. This hypothesis also explains why a genetic trait does not always occur in all members of a family. Using the example above, if a woman was carrying a female baby at the time when a famine occurred, it is likely that the child would have the obesity gene. But her older sisters would not, and nor would any of her older or younger brothers unless they just happened to be pre-pubescent at the time of the famine. An important factor which must be noted here is that environmental stressors include not just famine, as in the above example, but also environmental chemicals, e.g. agricultural chemicals, chemical additives to food and chemicals in cosmetics, to list just a few. We are already seeing that a father's exposure to Agent Orange in the Vietnam war can cause dis-eases in their children, most likely due to genetic damage. In future this trend will undoubtedly increase due to the huge overload of toxic chemicals currently in use. This research will hopefully mean that instead of being yet another syndrome, they will become more recognised as what they are - the inherited genetic damage passed down from previous generations. The Journey and ThetaHealing provide methods for cellular healing which can actually alter cells, DNA and genes, allowing those which have become damaged in this lifetime to replicate to form healthy, undamaged cells. Many case studies have shown that this process can occur very quickly and can be seen by modern medical detection methods, e.g. biopsies, ultrasound scans. As these therapies can alter cells that have been damaged in this lifetime, they can also alter cells that have been damaged within ancestors' lifetimes and which have been inherited. This is a very elegant, non-invasive method of reducing and possibly eliminating many common genetically transmitted dis-eases by altering the actual DNA that causes these dis-eases. Another aspect of Journey healing is that the process used to heal allergies works with the 'Guardian Part' of a person, causing it to reprogramme itself to manifest healthier behaviours. It is very likely that this process also could be used to cause the body to reprogramme its genetic code to reset those genes which cause inherited dis-eases. Finally, we are left wondering how the effects of traumas such as drug use, abuse and toxic food, which many of our young people are exposed to today, will manifest in future genetically transmitted dis-ease. What new 'syndromes' will emerge as their reprogrammed genes are passed on to future generations? Clearing out these past traumas and switching off genes that they have turned on would be excellent preventative therapy so we won't need to find out the hard way. |
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